Skin' A Smart House Of Sochi

Bottom cheek

The pages of our website provide all relevant and objective information on the Skolov VC in Sochi. Plans and prices, photographs and feedback from other buyers are available here. The complex is classified as " Elite " . Skolov ' s housing proposals are exclusively for VIP buyers.

The Skolova Housing complex is an ambitious project developed by the leading architects of the RF in Sochi.intelligent home“with internal infrastructure.

The PC is equipped with super modern engineering systems of European production:

  • Autonomous Energy Complex;
  • Ambulance lifts;
  • Signing of multi-purposes;
  • Automation of the management of all engineering

This and other equipment ensures the creation of a fully fledged environment for the comfort of the residents of the HC.

A characteristic feature of the complex ' s architecture is the enclosed form of a semi-district building, a 24-story housing tower and a vertical central attribute, as well as the terrace of the upper floors.

The housing complex is built on state-of-the-art carcasino-monolytic technology using a ceramic brick as a filler of non-contracting structures.

The CFA technology used in the design of the basements under the main height block has ensured full security of the building.

The life expectancy of the building is defined for at least 150 years, and the life-sustainability of the compound remains even at a 9-balanced earthquake.

The unique beauty of the exterrier of the HC is in harmony with the highest standard of accommodation:

  • High ceilings, free planting, vibrated tone glazing;
  • Contemporary heating/water, air conditioning, fire and alarm systems;
  • Gas and Water main supply networks; electricity self-sustainment;
  • Internet speed, satellite television, telephone

Housing has a black wing. Upon the wishes of the developer ' s owners, the developer is prepared to install Euroremonts using high-quality green materials.

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