Smart House

What's smart
умный дом a.

The apartment is built around the needs of residents

We take into account the needs of housing owners by building and increasing internal volumes of space according to what happens and what objects need to be envisaged. Quarters are established at the same time as recommendations for the placement of furniture that reveal the operation of the apartment.


Each metre operated

There are no " dead " and dark areas in smart apartments that do not benefit owners but affect the cost of purchase.

Plans contribute to the family environment

There's a place to collect and communicate the whole family, and everyone has a place to rest and privacy.


Minimum restrictions on private property

Every tenant can do it. Your apartment. All he wants is the outer perimeter of the walls. Transit engineering networks with individual consumption counters are partially located on a staircase to ensure that apartment owners are protected against problems related to the operation of common infrastructure.


Housing must be life-suitable.

Each type of apartment will have a copy design, a full-blown design that would emphasize all the virtues of planning.


Smart house.

We create all the small things that have long worked in the elite construction, but so far, we are considered to be special in the mass, from the bells and cycling rooms to the closed contour of the courtyard and the complete lack of traffic on the ground.

See also:
  • studyraid app

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