Establish A Smart House System
The graphic project will allow the quality installation of the smart house system.
The cost of the project for apartments and small offices is 90 roubles/m2.
So you decided to automate your house. Here, as in any case, it is necessary to start with a task (definition of objectives, objects, desires) and project development.
The technical capabilities of modern engineering and intellectual systems are virtually unlimited. The existence of decisions may not even be suspected. The first step, therefore, is to create the requirements of the customer (selection of what is interesting and needed by you), to explore the possibilities of the facility to build a smart house based on it, to build a system concept, to process an application.
The next step is the primary description of the project, which outlines all the details of the project, how the smart house will work for you.
Worksheet/Service Tool Project
- Development of TK for the design of the CBM system
- Primary consultation
- The Employer receives a detailed picture of the service, the value of the kits and the work, the time frames
- The company receives information on the subject and the requirements of the customer
- The Employer shall provide the necessary information/base data on the facility (plan of premises, cottage, protected area) + project requirement
- Examination of the facility by the company ' s specialists with a view to implementing the requirements of the Employer
- Establishment and approval of TK
- Work on technical draft
- Development of a preliminary technical project on the CBM system in general and its constituents
- Formulation of preliminary estimates
- Consignment
- Working documentation
- Development of working documentation for each subsystem and complex as a whole
- Development of documentation for kits
- Development and adaptation of the programme part of the complex
- Equipment and supplies: software and technical support
- Smart house (Management, programme products and systems)
- LAN/UCC (commutation and server equipment)
- Steel and installation
- Preparatory work (temporary lighting, temporary access, etc.)
- Construction and installation (processed before construction works begin). Project cable tracks
- Engineering systems (conditioner, power boards, dust tank)
- Preparation of the automation facility for the implementation of the CBM system
- Public works. Work is under way at the completion point. Server and shielding equipment, etc.
- Programming, installation and testing of systems;
- Setting the target. Customer training on CBM
- Safeguards and services
- Performance in accordance with safeguards obligations
- Service services

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