Smart House Structure

The smart house system is, in its essence, an integrated security and management system that can include lighting management, household appliances, video control, access control, etc., and send notifications of the state of control systems (control, alarm) of your house.
These functions may be carried out in advance by a given algorithm (by schedule), activated manually (radiocanal, GSM, Internet), automatically when a certain event occurs (e.g., an apartment alarm operation). This includes a common structure of the smart house system (figure 1) where:
- Central Processor smart house system♪
- IC - Executive devices (equipment)
- GS = control devices (equipment).
I draw your attention to the name of a smart house, and I personally consider it as a gathering, not tied to any particular equipment. It reflects most of its functional function. The system itself can be implemented in various options, using specialized equipment as well as security equipment: fire alarm, video surveillance, access control equipment. If it is decided to make a smart house on your own, be prepared to work with your hands (and head) in designing, selecting, installing equipment.
The design of a smart house is optimized in conjunction with the design of engineering (technical) communications of the apartment (house). This is, of course, for a smart house to be installed in the construction or major maintenance of the apartment. It is clear that it is easier to attach the appropriate equipment of the system, for example, to the electrical project, rather than to produce additional cuts and transmissions. However, other options are possible.
Design should begin with defining the desired functions. Then, naturally, the equipment is selected, the equipment is mounted and the gear is running. There are certainly many options here, so I'll limit myself to considering an easy example.
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