Z Wave Smart House Management
For a long time, I've had the idea of how to make the lights and electrical devices comfortable in the apartment. At the same time, I wanted to have some ready modular solution for relatively uncomplicated self-containment. So, quite randomly, I've come across equipment that can be introduced into the existing house completely " painless " . They were placed under the Z-Wave protocol.
Z-Wave is a patented wireless communication protocol developed for domestic automationin particular for the control and management of residential and commercial facilities. Technology uses low-powered and miniature radio frequency modules that are built into household electronics and various devices, such as lighting, heating, access control, entertainment systems and household equipment. It's a wireless radio technology designed specifically for remote control. Unlike Wi-Fi and other IEEE 802.11 data transfer standards, mainly for large information flows, Z-Wave operates at a frequency range of up to 1 HHz and is optimized to hand over simple command managers (e.g., insert/off, change volume, luminance, etc.).
Other advantages of Z-Wave include low energy consumption, low value of production and installation of Z-Wave in different household devices.
There are more than 200 producers worldwide offering goods with Z-Wave chips or modules. The difference between Z-Wave is that all these products are compatible.
The decision Z-Wave is based on the egg network technology mesh, in which each unit or device can receive and transmit the tell-tales to other network devices using intermediate neighbouring nodes.

Of the Internet-based selection devices, different control centres (sluices) were in the form of a very USB-style budget with support from different LOs:and not very budgetary, like:
I decided not to contact the USB versionr for my server with FreeBSD, but I stopped my choice at the average cost and functionality of the lock. Vera Lite:
Inside devices:
- CPU RaLink RT3662 SoC, Linux 2.6
- Parallel NAND Flash 32 MB
- RAM DDR2 64 MB
For the sample, I decided to order a few dimmers to adjust the lighting.
Relay to two exits 1.5 kW for pink
window/door opening sensor that I immediately installed on the front door
and the corridor motion sensor (unstained, disassembled)
The whole set cost me 20,000 roubles.
Like it was.
The first thing I've decided to check is remote light control. The main " chip " of this dimmer is that he has enough of two wires to approach the switch.
By the way, the pancakes shall be 50 mm deep or longer, otherwise the design may not fit. But there were no such difficulties with my Legrand switches.
I smashed this design and, uh, I ran a job checking the lock on the phone.
It is not possible to remove the dimmer immediately into the box, as it has yet to be tied to the lock with a triple-crushing B-button.
The team shall be handed over to the controller immediately (unless there are no commands from other devices in line) and the command status shall be transferred later after confirmation.

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