Smart Home Of Equipment Manufacturers

Smart house systems are brands and technology.
Дешевый умный дом

Home and building management systems don't surprise a modern man. But not to be confused with their diversity, not every specialist, but the flow of the same phrases about light management, climate control, energy conservation and the future ' s homes conceals real technologies: wireless, wireless, centralized, distributed, open, closed and so on. Each of them requires a separate and very short description, but we will try to shorten them.


The European Open Standard KNX/EIB (Konnex), combined several management technologies (Batibus, EIB and EHS) and was approved as a standard by several international, European and even Chinese organizations. More than 200 producers support KNX, not all based in Europe. Not long ago, HDL became one of China ' s first plants certified by KNX. Siemens, ABB, Gira, Merten, Jung, Berker, Hager and other major manufacturers supply a wide line of equipment to Russia, compatibility is ensured by Somfy and other manufacturers of frequently used equipment in smart houses. Low-cost and interesting KNX devices are produced by Zennio, Theben, Evika, HDL. Unusual and new decisions for KNX represent Evika.

USA = home country of LonWorks commonly used for Climate Governancebuilding safety and resource accounting systems. LonWorks are used by several companies, e.g. Elka, Thermokon and others, to produce controls in private houses.

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