Intelligent Home Equipment

The components of the smart house do raise the comfort level of the house, both for the owners themselves and for the staff. It's similar to the convenience of a vehicle, all functions under hand and easily managed. The price of a smart house, like cars, can be divided into three groups: economy (budget), medium (optimal), lux. Agree, and the economy and lux of the car perform the functions assigned to them, to bring the passengers from point A to point B. The smart home system also performs functions, such as lighting, irrespective of the class of the smart house, budget or lux.
The difference between the budget and the lux of the decisions is still in place, as is the cost of the smart house for these decisions.
- The first is brand. Luxury class equipment is more of an elitist and luxury object, emphasizing the status of its owner. Often, this class ' s equipment is also subject to an interior.
- Two is innovation. The system lux manufacturers are Moda legislators who try to take the example of all others. Talking about their functionality in a smart house and comparing them to another class is pointless, they already have more and more than you can imagine.
- The third is the quality of the materials themselves and the design of the key-constructed equipment. It is clear that budget decisions seek to use cheap materials to ensure the availability of equipment. While the middle and lux class are more expensive, such as glass, aluminium, tree, gold.
It should also be noted that the most famous brands, such as AMX and Crestron, pioneers in smart house management systems have long been used in government institutions in both the United States and Russia, and this has long been the norm. This shows the exclusive confidence in the equipment of these producers, their reliability and knowledge.
Contrary to the prevailing stereotyping - the more expensive the better. smart house systems(d) There are companies in the market from the budget category offering a very rich function (possibly more than middle-class systems) at the lowest market price. For example, wired HDL and wireless Z-Wave. Through such producers, the creation of a smart house is becoming increasingly affordable, and it retains its consumer qualities - comfort, reliability and functionality.
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