Intelligent House Equipment

The " smart house " system integrates all modern housing engineering systems into a single set and enables their operational management. You can make your home smart with your hands, because all the devices used are simple in installation and operation. Some smart house devices do not even require installation. Through smart house equipment You can improve the comfort and safety of the apartment or the private house, reduce the cost of electricity, manage lighting remotely and domestic electrical appliances.
Smart house systems from Pang Electric GS
The Pan Electric TBT GS store can purchase systems for the smart house of different producers tailored to the needs of all categories of potential customers. This section provides equipment from market leaders on wireless solutions for domestic machinery and lighting. The proposed devices have been well established in practice and can be used in apartments, houses and cottages.
The " smart house " system proposed by the Dutch COCO-technology company is designed to address domestic tasks and consists of simple and reliable devices such as:
The use of remote light switches provides an opportunity to include and regulate the level of illumination in the home or in the apartment, to control the role of mentors and pathways, to include / to disable domestic electrical appliances. The efficiency of this equipment is greatly enhanced by the use of lighting and presence detectors and door closure sensors.
FUNK is an excellent alternative to modern building systems. Its important advantages are the low price, as well as the possibility of installation and construction of equipment by hand. The use of wireless receivers and FUNK transmitters to manage the " smart house " will create a system that does not fall within the capacity of the most complex and expensive systems.
The Duvi system (protocol Z-Wave) provides an opportunity to manage lighting, appliances, video and audio equipment, safety and heating systems. Its important feature is the efficient saving of electricity. Using Duvi ' s devices, it is possible not only to create a smart house by their own hands, but also to expand the existing system, as the Z-Wave protocol is widely used by other producers.
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