Smart House Water Supply
The management of water and house heating systems is an important part of the smart house system. The article describes the possibilities of building a smart house using a GSM heat informant and a water management module AquaBast
Smart house. Smart House. Clever House. Definition.
There are several definitions of the term " Smart House " , " Smart House " , " Clever House " , " Intelligent House " .
A smart house is a house with modern automation and management systems for different systems. " smart house " refers to a system that is self-sustaining and highly resource-efficient.
This is how the term " smart house " is defined by the Web encyclopedia " .
Smart house structure.
The technology boom is under way.Smart house“, more and more modern technological solutions to the management of instruments and equipment appear in our homes. The most conventional appliances become smarter: refrigerators, air conditioners, furnaces, televisions. Additional intellect functions are emerging from the most conventional instruments.
What's modern?Smart House? What technology can we take to a smart house?
The technology of the smart house is constantly evolving, and today these systems are managed by the following subsystems: security, access control, surveillance, climate, water, heat, electricity.
A common solution for the management of the Smart House technology house is implemented in several ways. Two ways of building a system can be identified: using a separate computer that serves as a server and using separate controllers, separate components and equipment. Both Smart House technologies provide remote management using GSM communications and Internet links.
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