Technology 7 Smart House Project

Safe smart house: Complex technology, useful to each

The ITMO University ' s Safe Information Technology Chair, composed of Sergei Zimnenko, Denis Neumerzki and Alexei Silaev, prefers not to discuss " smart " technologies and prospects for " intranet of things " , but to create a product that will become an IoT iPhone, simple, functional, safe and fully viable. The members of the " Safe smart house " project described the technical features, difficulties and plans of their start-up, which had become one of the winners of the " T-propel " competition.

For the first time, the team presented its project concept at the end of 2015.Скриншот презентации команды Over the past, the developers have been processed by working mocks, who have already made a presentation to Prague, developed a spin-off project in the Future Technologies accelerator and addressed GEEK PICNIC. The project is growing at a considerable pace, and the developers see a clear course of further evolution of their technology.

" In the winter, when I thought about how to develop a project on a safe smart house, one of our potential clients made an interesting thought. He explained why there was no use of the existing technology of a smart home.Скриншот презентации команды He compared these technologies to the sensor screen phones, which were initially unsuccessful because of their inconvenience. But when the unfamiliar development of Steve Jobs's team came into the market, the sensor screens completely and irreversibly pushed the buttons. Similarly, with “smart houses”: one simple, genetic and safe technology, then the process goes”, the project manager, the candidate for technical science, Catherine Bessonova.


According to Denise Neumerzki, there are now technologies for a smart home that are applied, including in Russia. However, they have a number of shortcomings: they have roads, foreign patents and, most importantly, are not protected from external attacks. The cafeteria specialists were therefore guided by the principles of security by working on their system. With regard to cost options, existing systems in the basic kit when installed in one house may be between half a million and entirely unimaginable. In turn, the cafeteria developers believe that the installation of a " key " system for a whole cottage settlement would be much more beneficial to potential clients. But their sales are still ahead, while the team is working to maximize the technology.

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