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Articles in Smart House Project

Ready Smart House Projects Ready Smart House Projects

An Internet store for smart house products. Our principle is simplicity for understanding, installation and construction. You can install equipment on your own or order an integrated project. Just imagine: You get out of work, your house realizes you re moving towards the house and you re getting ready for your arrival. At a time when you come to the house, the sensors recognize you and shut off the alarm, the warm floor will be on your favorite 23 degrees, the curtains are slightly delayed and your favorite music plays. For the countryside, smart house decisions not only create…

Smart House Project Management Smart House Project Management

Every person who starts building, building or already built his home wonders how to make him less troubled and as comfortable as possible. In order to resolve this issue, we look for and determine the choice of systems such as heating, conditioning, sewerage, security, alarm, television, etc. Determine, set and live. Over time, we re starting to feel that we re spending more and more time on house maintenance. Someone s got strong nerves, and he s getting over it, and someone s starting to get out of position and asking himself questions: What did I do wrong? Why is there no…

Class 7 Smart House Project Class 7 Smart House Project

The current version of the page has not yet been tested by experienced participants and may differ significantly from the version verified on 30 March 2016; the checks require 11 rights. The electric panel of the smart house is a Russian term that describes two separate concepts of housing automation: home automation (smart home, home automation) and the automation of the residential building (smart house, building automation). In the United States and Europe, where such technologies have emerged and are most rapidly developing, smart home and building automation, many independent…

Draft Smart House Draft Smart House

Hello, Habrasunity! For more than 10 years, I ve had the idea of making such a smart house project so that anyone who wants to collect a full prototype from manual material. Most recently, in dealing with some Habrassociation representatives, the idea was adjusted to make a blog that everyone could leave their ideas about reality (in this case, I even raised the libel on the sub-domain of my personal domain today, because I had not yet come up with a name for the project, taking into account its new specificity) + to this particular repository. There s already a Gentoo s layman…

Smart Country House Projects Smart Country House Projects

The smart house (intelligent building) is a single automated management system that ensures that all engineering structures operate in a coordinated manner through the use of relevant state-of-the-art equipment. One of the basic principles of the systems work is to recognize and respond to specific situations in the building. The functions of monitoring, receiving and transmitting various information on safety, temperature and humidity of air, lighting, water, energy, audio, video and many other information, analysis of the situation, depending on the facilities assigned to…

The Practical Project Is The Smart House Of The Arduino The Practical Project Is The Smart House Of The Arduino

More recently, the hidden dream of electronics was the creation of equipment in a house that would unsuspectedly carry out our commands with a single command. How old! With the advent of the Internet, the entiresmart housesystem can be controlled remotely, located in the office, outside the city, leaving or on a ski track in Kurshavel. What is this fantastic system? Its main component is the Apduino hardware platform, an electronic design tool. Schemes are issued with Creative Commons license. Its possibilities are now quite universal and have a tendency to expand functionally…

Smart House Infrastructure Designer Smart House Infrastructure Designer

New occupationsis the result of a major study involving more than 2,500 Russian and foreign experts. For a period of 2, 5 years, the Competence Forum 2030 conducted a systemic analysis of technological, economic and social developments in 19 key sectors of the economy and designed industry maps of the future. This has led to the identification of the demand for new competencies and skills required in the near future, the establishment of a list of promising industries, the identification of professions that will no longer be relevant in the next 15-20 years

Technology Project 7 Is A Smart House Technology Project 7 Is A Smart House

By 2020, every fifth house in Europe and every third in the United States will becomesmart. The Russian Ministry estimates the domestic market for smart houses of 7 to 10 billion roubles by 2017. According to some estimates, only 5 per cent of housing in Moscow and 2 per cent in Russia are intellectual. The experts note that the market barrier has become the high cost of smart house systems. In addition, possible savings at low resource tariffs, and as a consequence the cost of such decisions, are questionable in Russia, in contrast to Europe, where green technologies have led…

The Smart House Project For The Apartment The Smart House Project For The Apartment

Advanced Automation Technologies. PTA - St. Petersburg 2016 1 and 2 June, our company, which is part of the Evika Joint PartnersCollective Wall, participated in the IX Specialized Forum ExhibitionAutomation Technologies, PTA - St. Petersburg 2016. Details of the colours, building trails and light show are not enough to know that HDL produces light-sighted Full RGB DMX searchlights, which can be used for, for example, facade or landscape lighting and in many other projects where colour scene construction and DMX512

Arduino Smart House Projects Arduino Smart House Projects

Only very good development can be the name of such devices. For example, the termxeroxhas become such a symbol for all copying equipment, even manufactured by a non-Herox firm. There s one more example, arduino, the smart house with his hands. Automated housing has already ceased to be a pleasure for the rich and the secured. The development of technologies that do not stop moving forward for a second, makes us closer to this unique system every day. Moreover, it is now possible for everyone with arms and heads to build, if not an absolute, universal intellectual dwelling, at…

Intelligent House Design Intelligent House Design

Each owner of a country house or apartment that wishes to establish a smart house system seeks to meet a specific challenge. We propose ready solutions that will take into account your objectives and enable us to achieve the minimum cost. By drawing attention to the ready solutions for the smart house, you acquire the technology that can have the following functions: Lighting and electrical devices; Nightlight at home or apartment; Management of heating appliances; Fire alarm; Automatic management of climate equipment; Water leak control; Managed pity; Radiony (Multirum); Control…

Technology 7 Smart House Project Technology 7 Smart House Project

The ITMO Universitys Safe Information Technology Chair, composed of Sergei Zimnenko, Denis Neumerzki and Alexei Silaev, prefers not to discusssmarttechnologies and prospects forintranet of things, but to create a product that will become an IoT iPhone, simple, functional, safe and fully viable. The members of theSafe smart houseproject described the technical features, difficulties and plans of their start-up, which had become one of the winners of theT-propelcompetition. For the first time, the team presented its project concept at the end of 2015. Over the past, the developers…

Smart House Project Smart House Project

To support the development of solutions for smart houses, iRidium mobile runs an annual iRidium Awards award. We accept applications for the 2015 award in the middle, and while we talk about the winner of last years award, the BeeToo Home project is the smart house management interface developed on the basis of iRidium. The BeeToo project history began at the end of 2012. The founders of Alexander Borovsky and Stanislav Buyanov have begun to develop corporate web-based systems and have had no relationship with smart houses when one of the familiars has complained to them about…